Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Night Meh

Night, quiet, quieter, quietest.
Air dense with empty calories.
The carbs attack, the blood boils.
Instant gratification, and more mobile notifications.
Queasy yet comfy, fluffy duvet meets cold floor.
And I slip into folds of chocolate emotion.
Murky, delicious, blinding stabs of brown.
Viscous beyond the strength of my arms.
I drown and gasp and swallow with joy.
Falling into familiar territory where the blues are black
And white fell off the colour spectrum eons ago.
The air is a mirror to your thoughts and there are spots everywhere.
No vacuum, just an void that is too thick for logic to penetrate.
And there I spot an army of me, almost me, just like me,
But cruel, evil and hell bent on destruction, of Vision, Mission.
Oh no, collision.
The strongest amongst them, I have seen before,
She loves sequels to her dramatic appearances.
She charges, twists, morphs, multiplies, smiles, dies, relives.
She cackles, tells me I am nothing, I am worthless, I am beautiful, I am broken.
I flail, I fall, I fly and I disappear.
I divide by zero, I multiply by infinity.
I learn the truth, i visualize the rogue patterns, I recognize the mythical beasts.
And I now know where I am.
This is no man's land, the divide between the souls of me, myself and I.
I face her again, I have nothing to lose.
The dagger that is my tooth is my weapon is my light is my star shining bright.
The negative voice, I stabbed and stabbed.
Tugged at her veins, blue, purple, green.
Oh no, she is dead, and so young.
I love my nightmares.