Sunday, January 16, 2011


Eating to live and living to eat.
The sweet, the salty, the veggies, the meat.
Gastronomical excesses of the exquisite sort.
Changing our minds and making bodies contort.

Heavenly rush as the delicious, crash-land.
Shoveled onto tongues by impatient hands.
The riot of tastes and swiveling thoughts.
The high of the taste-buds confuses and distorts.

Empty is life without the growl of hunger.
To remind you of life's finest surrenders.
Give into the zenith of purest instinct.
Feed me, need me, or we shall all be extinct.

Come with me as I explore the forbidden.
Mixing up lactose with everything Piscean.
Giving the runs a run and running through the door.
Let's burn it all away and make place for some more.

Ingest, digest, disseminate the energy.
Glowing within, our sinful daily therapy.
Summon your friends, make this an orgy.
Of the stomach, forever, through infinity.

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